Before We Start
Prior to starting our lesson on the power of discourse, take some time to read the following information on code-switching and to reflect on your initial reaction to this information. You might respond to your impressions reading it, how teachers may or may not use this information to guide their instruction, and any general reactions you have to this type of approach to language instruction.
Code Switching is something that we all do everyday. When we are in class when do alot of code-switching because most of us do not talk the when we are in class then if we are around our friends. We do all of code switching without even mostly it and how we are using it. Since we all have started our clinical placement we have to code switch in the clothing and language that we use daily. In the classroom students will code switch when they are talking to their teacher instead of their friends. When we are going to our clinical placement we are code switching because we are wearing our business attire. However, once we leave clinical we are putting on some normal clothes. I never really realize that we code-switching is in a lot of things.
My reaction from this teacher pay teachers worksheet was surprised. Those questions are some opinion questions and having those questions on a worksheet wouldn't be beneficial for our students. This worksheet is trying to encourage students to do better. I think that is not a good way to teach them about grit and still won't know what they are doing exactly. This is a very bad worksheet because its showing students that doing more is not always good. It's showing them to have a growth mindset but how can students be able to apply this in there everyday life. I'm confused on what students are learning and the purpose of this assessment that they are doing. However, gritty can be great for the students if we teach it in a different way. Talk to the students and explain to them that you don't have try to have a growth mindset just is academic also in everyday life.
Three Spacing
For me this was a difficult reading for me to read because this was a very lengthy article and very informative. However, this article was hard for me to stay focus because of how informative it was and lengthly. I started to zoned out after a while when I was reading it. Since this article was a lengthly article I had to listen to a read aloud to follow along because when I first started reading, I was already about to give up. When having someone read to you, you will follow along better and maybe The article was a very intense reading for me because I had to reread couple of things to make sure I was understanding with what was going on in the article. I don't read academic articles like this on a normal day because its a lot to read just in one sitting. When I have an open mind while reading I tend to understand what I am reading a little bit better. My strategies that I use to help me read long text like this is to always read the headings and the captions so I can get an idea of what the article is going to be about. This article might have felt like I wanted to give up if I didn't understand some of the vocabulary or prior experience with reading experience. I would have might have said just forget about it, Im not going to read this. This is important for me to thing about my future students when they receive certain information in a form of informative reading with so many pages. Also think about how each student might have a challenge with reading certain information that is very depend and lengthly.
Reading this article they talk about how third spaces can be folded in ELA and Social studies which are both of my content areas. I believe that three spacing can be displayed in our diverse in books. In this present time there are so many books thats can relate to our students no matter what content area that we are in. Also, history can be fun for students if teachers can relate to current events in this present time.
Quizzing Platform
In my opinion I think that Quizziz is not a great resource for students to use to study for test because they give you so many different possible answers. However, I would say if you are trying to study and if you like index cards you can create your own index cards to study for your lesson. Teachers can give out formative assessments and assignment homework on there. This app is a great resource for teachers and students. Sometimes students might use this app for the wrong reasons to find answers to past their test. But for this quiz was less interactive and I think that this test in particular was just for students just to memorize the information.
Exploring Race in Literature
I think that these storyboards can be good to help student guide them in reading. This provides a significant information to help support students . I think their are different ways to guide students in their reading. When using media, I think the storyboard is lacking something in the visuals to keep the students engaged. Most teachers use and create a very engaging video to guide students within their reading. But storyboard can be boring and I think these storyboard are engaging to students instead of just talking to them. Overall I think storyboard can be useful, but it lacks a couple of elements that can engage students.