Dear Wes Moore,
My name is Ashley Coleman, I'm middle level education major at Illinois State University. I'm writing to you about your book The Other Wes Moore. I truly enjoyed reading your book and reading about you and the Wes. I am doing finishing up my memoir for one of my classes and we had to pick a book that we would like to talk about and to connect it with what we have been learning about young adolescents. This book has shown me that how different two kids with the same name grew up completely different. They even lived in the same neighborhood and their childhood is different. I didn't realize how differently each child as grown up. In was very interesting to see both of the Wes sent through so hard times when they was younger. See how Wes ( the author) turn his life around. After his dad die, his whole family did a whole 360. His mom had to make so tough decisions to provide for her kids and to make sure they are successful. When Wes (author) was in middle school he was trying to fit in with the kids around his block. He didn't go to the neighborhood school, he went to a private school. I think that help him from staying out of trouble and not mess with the wrong crowd. That said a lot about her mom, she put you guys first to make sure you guys have a good childhood. To read about that shows that a lot of young adolescents doesn't have a lot of parents like that. Not even just parents but family that are surrounded by them. They say it take a village to raised a child and that is so true but children need to support from their family and teachers. Also, the other Wes parents wasn't really their for him, his brother Tony was the one who look out for him. Tony wanted his brother to not go down the road as he did. He tried teach him to stay in school, get your education don't worry about what is going on in the streets. If the other Wes went to a different school and surround himself with different people. I believe he would have been ok. Wes started to sale drugs because he wanted to be like his brother.This book just really taught and shown me how much young adolescents be under so much pressure and they don't know how to handle it. This has shown me more about why I'm ready to start my career because young adolescents have so much going on in their lives and its to much for them. There are so many children that is raising themselves and their siblings. They just want someone to care for them, and show that you love them. I learn to pay attention to what is going on in my future students. Also, don't assume anything or stereotype your students. Let them be comfortable to come talk to you when they are ready. Also, I have learn to guide my students in the right direction, give them different resources that they can use, help them pick the right friends. I want to help my students get even opportunity they can for them. to succeed.I just wanted to thank you for making a powerful and wonderful book Mr. Moore. Thank you for sharing your story.
Ashley Coleman
My Overall Write-up
Reading this book "The Other Wes Moore" written by Wes Moore has really gave me a different predictive on young adolescents. I enjoyed reading this book, I have learn so much more about young adolescents and how they are under a lot of pressure around that age. There is so much adolescents in this book and I was able to see that with two boys that grew up differently. I decided to read this book because of the cover of the book and the title. When I first read the title I was interested about the other Wes. I was already thinking the author was comparing his identity how people seen him and who he viewed himself. After me reading the story, it made me think about my own childhood. IT has shown me that I was very blessed when I was growing up some of the things both Wes went through I didn't have to go through. That help me realize each students has their own identity, everybody is not raised the same. I am very grateful that I had both my parents in my life and have a bonus parent as well. See how the other Wes had to grow up early and he couldn't really enjoy his childhood because he was in jail most of the time. That is sad because there are so many children that could live their life as a child because they were in jail. I had to really ask myself why is that. Thats because nobody has really took the time out to teach or talk to these kids from right or wrong. When they do something wrong, you have to explain to them why they gotten in trouble. These children just need someone that loves them and cares for them. Young adolescents go through some challenging things at this age and they are really learning how to make their own decision for themselves, finding themselves. Thats what both Wes were doing with they were growing up, just trying to find themselves. Educators need to guide them in the right direction, talk to your students. Notice when something is not right with your students, check in with them. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this book, it has made me view things a little bit differently when young adolescents start to make decisions. To pay attention to their actions and body language.
Here is the link for the notes I took while reading the book.