Save the Dates:
August 23: Dream Team Movie Night
August 25-30: School Book Fair
*Students will be bringing info about our upcoming events!
Welcome to the Dream Team !
August 20th 2022
Ms. Coleman Rm:242
Hello Parents and Guardians, I'm proud to announce that you are apart of the Dream Team. We are happy to you with us. We are one of the best teams in 7th grade. I'm very excited for this year! We will be having some Dream team events coming up! I will keep you guys updated on them. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or any concerns. Once again, welcome to the Dream Team!
Unique Qualities of your Young Adolescents and How our School can Help
We know that your student is experiencing a lot at this age. We know that they are experiencing physical, intellectual, and emotional changes. The way they learn, feel, see the world, and relate to other people becomes different from when they were younger. These changes, along with demands from present-day society and peer pressure, create conflicts and tension in the adolescent, which are reflected in their behavior in school and at home. We understand how challenging it can be supportive to your students while they are experiencing some ups and downs in middle school. They have so many things that they are trying to juggle like trying to understand the lesson that is being taught and trying to be involve in extracurricular activities. As teachers take time out of our lessons to give our students time for social and emotional learning. We feel like that is important for them to have and to become comfortable with their peers. We also sit down with our students on a daily basis to check in with them because we know that they be going through alot. We want to let them know that we are there for them. At Brooks, we use the interdisciplinary approach expands what students learn by allowing them to tackle problems that don't fit neatly into one subject.It also changes how students learn by asking them to synthesize multiple perspectives, instead of taking what they're told by a teacher at face value.
Elementary School
Elementary Schools is very attentive to their students. They hold their students hands more than other schools. They teach them every subject at thee same level. Students are just learning how to read and how to enact with their peers.
Middle School
Middle Schools is the glue between Elementary and High school. They are starting to be a little more independent with their social life and academics. They are starting to balance their lives from right and wrong.
High School
In High schools they start to get students ready for their futures. They help them figure out what career path they want to go down. They start to let to be a little more independent than middle school. They hold you capable for what you do in school.
This We Believe Essentials Attributes
Responsive, Challenging, Equitable, and Empowering
Responsive: Our team evolve around being responsive because we provide different instruction on each students needs. It’s imperative that we understand who our students are, so learning experiences. Our learning environments are very welcoming to our students. We make sure each and every one of our student has what they need to be successful. One thing that we have in every classroom are fidget gadgets. Sometimes, students need something to touch and feel while they are doing their work. So our fidget gadgets help students to stay focus and helps them to be still. This is just something that our team incorporate in our lessons and activities to make sure each student is responsive.
Challenging: Our team ensure that each of our students are challenged as they learn from us and their peers. We create our lessons to engage our students and make them think outside the book because we want them to push themselves to be the best they can be.
Equitable: It's our passion such your child teachers to make education engaging and relatable as possible. We believe it's important to help each and everyone of our students to succeed in their education. We know that each student do not need the same tool to succeed but we have the necessary tools to help them be the best they can be. Our mission that we face with equity is to give our students every opportunity, provide them with every chance, and to engage them in learning experiences every day that meet them where they are while propelling them where they can be.
Empowering: Our goal is to have an effective and amazing middle school that empowers young adolescents so they can sit at any table, take on any challenge, and respond intelligently to anything or anyone on their lifelong learning journey. This can be watching a motivational video before we get into a lesson. Our empowerment comes from everywhere in our school, if it's talking to someone our looking in the hallways. Also we have advisory with our students on the daily basis. We believe that advisory time allow students to talk about current events that they are concern about and more.
The best way to predict your future is to create it. – Abraham Lincoln
What is interdisciplinary teaching?
Interdisciplinary teaching is when students combine learning from multiple disciplines to come up with new ways to think about issues and solve problems. Our team do a lot of interdisciplinary teaching with our students we have notice a big impact how well our students do with interdisciplinary teaching. In our classes we teach our students how everything is a process and things take time. We just don't teach them something without showing them the evidence between it. This allow students to do some critical thinking and problem solving independently and with peers. If you would like to learn more about interdisciplinary learning and why we use it in our classroom.